1. Evaluate the extent to
which the year 1877 ushered in change for the United States. (CONTINUITY AND CHANGE ESSAY)
2. Evaluate the extent to
which the Gilded Age can be considered a golden era. (COMPARE AND CONTRAST
3. Evaluate the extent to
which the West can be considered the "story of America" when
considering the nineteenth century. (TURNING POINTS ESSAY)
Immigration Paper is
4pgs, but you can go up to 6 if you have extensive family history
you want to share. The first 2.5 pages should answer the following
question using all three parts of the packet:
Evaluate why immigrants were either
uprooted or transplanted. The other 1.5 pages should be your family
history, and whether you believe your relatives were uprooted or
transplanted. NOTE: You might argue uprooted on one part of the
paper, and transplanted on the other part.
TURNER PAPER INFO: Read the Turner
Thesis, and in 1.5-2 pages ...
1. What is his thesis?
2. Do you agree with his thesis?
No intro or conclusion needed, just
your thoughts please. YOUR thoughts ... not what you searched on the
internet or what Chat GPT said. Don't circumvent reading the packet. Please cite from the
Next Paper Topic 4 pages:
Evaluate the short-term and long-term causes and effects concerning
slavery controversies during the antebellum period.
October 14 - Washington-Monroe test
will have multiple choice and short answers (instead of an essay).
Test Essays: eFlash
cards and video reviews can be found on the navbar to the right.
We will choose 1 of the following 3 essays for the test:
1. Explain how the
Constitution reflected continuity and change when considering the Articles of Confederation. 2. Explain short-term and long-term
causes of the American Revolution, as well as the short-term and
long-term effects. 3. Compare and contrast similarities and
differences regarding the colonial period to that of the new United
9/1 - You found the web page! Below is the syllabus for the next few weeks. This page
gets updated frequently, and will give you a syllabus, some links,
my thoughts, advice, pictures, and occasional review material.
You can check out flashcards and youtube videos to help you review:
ALL papers will be handed in to
turnitin.com. I will post grades there as well. Please enroll now!
Class ID:
Enrollment Key: Hamilton
Paper 1:
George Washington ... 3 pages
Based on his overall military career, to what degree should George
Washington be remembered as a successful hero?
Paper 2:4 pages. Use two packets (Ben
Franklin and the Documents on Federalist/Anti-Federalists)
Question:Evaluate whose arguments for ratification have more merit, the
Federalists or Anti-Federalists. Don’t only illustrate why one side
is correct, but evaluate why the other side is not! Be sure to use
both the Benjamin Franklin reading and the documents to prove your
Here's a link to most of the on-location
videos in the PowerPoints...