Jeremy Klaff entered
the world on a warm spring day in 1977. Bor n
to a history teacher (imagine that) and insurance saleswoman, he
grew up in Plainview, NY. As a child, he was shy … very shy. In
fact, he never really talked to anyone except
for his stuffed animals, and the Mrs. Butterworth syrup bottle on the kitchen
table. Indeed, as a young child, his imagination and creativity ran wild. As he
grew older, Mr. Klaff discovered people. He attended Plainview
JFK HS on Long Island from 1991-1995. Looking back fondly on Mr. Klaff, one of
his former teachers reminisces … "I hated that kid … he would always
have some wise comment to say that would throw off my entire
lesson. One day I hope he becomes a teacher, and the same thing happens
to him!" Karma - Chapter 3, Section 2.
After graduating POBJFKHS,
Mr. Klaff moved to upstate New York to
attend Binghamton University. While there, he read a lot of history and only
talked to elderly professors in the library. He was
recruited to run collegiate track and field, but as his college coach recalls,
"That guy had no heart! He quit after the warm-up on the first day and ran back
to his dorm and study history. I hope he becomes a
track coach one day!"
So Mr. Klaff's
illustrious track career ended. However, a new career was only beginning. Senior
year, Mr. Klaff met Sethmates. The two realized they had radio rapport, and had
a major following in Binghamton, that consisted of 4 people, a
sheep, and their parents. From there,
Mr. Klaff became the stadium announcer for the minor league Mets. There,
he would interview baseball players, carry toilets, and get paid in hotdogs. Things were going well for Mr. Klaff … but alas … it was
time to get a full-time job. He packed up his clothes, degrees, and stuffed
animals - and headed back to Long Island.
After teaching in an inner-city school for a month (where, by the way,
his humor wasn't quite appreciated), Mr. Klaff got a call from Schreiber HS,
in Port Washington. He threw on a tweed jacket and tie, did a demo lesson
on ancient Africa, and was hired to be a teacher and track coach.
Although he had the
dream teaching job, Mr. Klaff missed broadcasting and entertainment. Therefore,
he decided to use his classroom like the airwaves. For over a decade, he hasn't left
basement, and instead has made Powerpoints and
Youtube videos all day. He taught himself guitar so he could write dozens
history songs.
Only months after picking up his first guitar,
Mr. Klaff played on MTV while
doing a standup bit
with Jamie Foxx.
Recalling that moment,
one student remembers saying, "!@*?!*%#!!! That's my *%$##**!
history teacher on M *!?!*! TV!!!!" Jamie Foxx later won an
Academy Award ... Jeremy Klaff topped that performance by
meeting another Jeremy Klaff in Texas,
and announcing baseball games in Brooklyn for the Brooklyn
later, WDOT was born.
The new internet radio station at
Schreiber debuted in 2006. Starting that Fall, Mr. Klaff
began teaching a radio course, warning his DJs of all the dirty
words they can't say on the air. Over the years, the radio station
has turned out professional broadcasters all over the country! After
years of play-by-play broadcasts, students started
@PortVikings on
Instagram. In 2023, Mr. Klaff started teaching Sports Broadcasting.
The students that year helped to turn
@PortVikings into
the next ESPN.
In 2005, Mr. Klaff got
married, and often embarrassed
his wife by asking her to take
pictures and videos of him in front of historical sites.
In 2010, Mrs. Klaff gave birth to twin boys, one of whom was named
for Mr. Klaff's favorite historical figure,
Alexander Hamilton. Mr. Klaff looks
forward to traveling again in 18 years.
Mr. Klaff is an international recording star, as three people in
India have liked his videos on youtube.
Klaff and Mr. Medico's band, Social Studs, has
entertained and educated the people of Earth. Although the Social
Studs have written fanastic songs to help people remember history,
it was a children's
song about Colors that was their first to hit 1
million views.

Mr. Klaff got to be a part of the History Channel 2's 51 Amazing
Facts About America. He received one piece of fan-mail from a
guy named Ken in Iowa.

By using his
history knowledge for good, rather than evil, Mr. Klaff hopes to save the world, and
one day become the 50th President of the United States. Here
he is on CNN talking about his campaign.


World History

Global 2
History Regents

AP Gov
500 Global Questions
Bathroom Trivia Books in Print and Kindle

Mr. Klaff's Time Travel
Book for Middle School Readers!