Here's irony ... to
get to the communism museum, you have to go through a casino.
Here is the communist
classroom ... students taught the evils of capitalism, and the blind
allegiance to community.
I asked a local to take my
picture with a Marx statue ... and he cut off Marx's head ... did he
do this on purpose? I found that the locals don't take too kindly to
communism. One woman walked out of the film in the museum in tears.
We in America have been lucky not to live through such regimes.
The Communist industrial
machine. Why produce creativity when you can make raw materials?
On the left ... the
Communist supermarket. Goods were always sparse, as shopkeepers
hoarded items for higher prices. Many went hungry. On the right is a
replica of the Berlin Wall.
They have some
Communist statues at this museum, but it's NOTHING compared to what
I found in Budapest.