Over There!!!!          (WWI Klaff Version)

OVER THERE! (World War I Review)



Over there. Over there. Our troops are going over there. To France they blare. To fight with Pierre. Hey Triple Alliance, say a prayer. US wars are rare.

First they attacked us, with their u-boats, then they slipped us the Zimmerman note.
That alliance, wants us dead, but we will beat their pointy helmet heads, trenches turning red.

Over there. Over there. Our troops are going over there. War declared. Be prepared. Hey Triple Alliance, say a prayer. They don’t fight fair.

Nationalism mania. Since they sunk the Lusitania. So our soldiers, say their goodbyes. And head off to fight with the Allies. German demise.

Over there. Over there. Our troops are going over there. So let’s prepare. On land and air. Hey Triple Alliance, say a prayer. I say beware.

Kaiser Wilhelm’s not a cool guy. Wait til he reads the Treaty of Versailles. We’ll bring Germany to their knees, then a League of Nations will give peace. They’ll be police.

Over there. Over there. Our troops are going over there. Get in our hair, if you dare. Hey Triple Alliance, say a prayer. Over there! Over there! Over there! They’re over there!


Copyright 2004, 42 Pieces Productions, All rights reserved.