you are probably wondering why Mr. Klaff is a Red Sox fan. OK --
here's the history. My family's roots are in Brooklyn, but when the
Dodgers moved to Los Angeles,
many in my family had no team to follow. Around that
time, part of my family moved to Worcester, Massachusetts. There,
they found that rooting for the Red Sox, was just like rooting for
the Brooklyn Dodgers. They rarely won, and the Yankee$ usually got
the best of them. When National League baseball returned to New York
in 1962 with the Mets, it crea ted
an interesting choice of teams for us.
To this day, I'm still a huge Mets fan as well.
But, these Mets and Red Sox
interests came to a head in 1986 in the World Series. I was
fortunate enough to be at Game 6 of the World Series that year ...
the most famous (or infamous) game in baseball history! It was
pretty neat meeting Bob Stanley,
Wilson, and
Gary Carter years later as an epilogue
to that
If you look to the left, you can see Bob Stanley putting me in a
headlock. I think it was his way of showing me love. I'm still a
huge Mets fan, but the Red Sox became my favorite team in 1988.
Little did I know the spectator-suffering that would en sue!
Well, that is until 2004
-- when I got to laugh
at Yankee$ fans when their miserable day of Red Sox superiority
finally arrived. Anyhow,
with all of the history in New England I still find Fenway Park to
be the most significant for me.

I'm pointing to the World
Series Banner ... did I mention that the Red Sox won the World Series

A Home Run flew over our
heads, and we got on TV. I'm on the right.

The Red Sox lost to the Mets
in 1986. See how 1986 would be a big part of my life by reading above.

I also filmed Varitek hitting
a Home Run, but I'm too lazy to update it at this very moment.

The famous Citgo sign ... We
hit a bump in the road, and this picture came out. I found it cool. |