Coach Klaff points out
where not to get lost.

The upper classmen try not
to get the freshmen lost.

First girls race takes off
at Bethpage State Park.
Gabrielli leads the team to
the starting line.

Hanat and Rose Ellen look
strong in their 2005 debut.
Schmitz rallies to the

Raul says something to me
in Spanish, I'm not quite sure what it means.
The greatest picture of
Samson ever taken ... Gary Cruuuuuuuuuz.
Gabrielli digs in, and Raul
looks to sprint passed Massapequa.
Catalano smiles to the
line. Jose locks into a race to the finish.

Litke smiles for the
camera, Schmitz smiles at an ice cream truck.
Astrid finishes strong, and
Tarryn and Haeinn leave the other girl in the dust ...
Then they all eat while
Schmitz finishes.
Cruz and Zeemer -- you can
almost feel their sweat on your keyboard.
James Kim runs between the
trees, and Mondragon rejoices after hearing his time.

Who needs "Where's Waldo,"
when you can play ... Where's Litke?
Jose and Jinyo seemingly
run to one another.
Sideris flies to the
finish. Wilmer already left everyone behind.