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Use this page's links as an online review packet and study guide.

Global Regents Review Song.   or ... World History MUSIC VIDEO!


Mr. Klaff's most common multiple choice predictions and tips ...


1. If you see:  Meiji Restoration = Modernization of Japan (or the answer will be westernization, think M&Ms)

2. If you see: 3 documents that limited the absolute monarchy = Habeas corpus act, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights. Before that there was absolutism in England ... and in France.

Don't be fooled ... limited monarchy = constitutional monarchy.

3. If you see: Simon Bolivar, Toussaint, San Martin = those names mean the answer is either "Latin American independence movements" or "nationalism."

4. If you see: Green Revolution = go with the Food choice ... salad is green, and it is food!

5. If you see: Boer War, Sepoy Rebellion, Opium War, Boxers ... odds are you forgot all of this ... so choose "imperialism led to bad stuff" or "protest/kick out foreign nations imperializing"




6. If you see: Karl Marx = answer will be classless society, or 'capitalism leads to bad stuff.'


8. WHEN IN DOUBT AFTER THAT ... go with the "warm and fuzzy choice." This is a happy and optimistic choice that sounds like this ... "These cultures exchanged ideas, and had a flowering of creative thought. They gave us mathematics and science." Rule of thumb ... The Regents wants you to understand that places you never heard of have impacted your life positively!

9. Everything you need to know about religions -- remember that my friends Rick and Benn were in the Draft ...

RICK = Reincarnation, India, Caste, Karma

BENN = Buddhism, Enlightenment (or Eightfold Path), Noble Truths, Nirvana

DRAFT = Daily prayer (Faith), Ramadan, Alms (charity), Faith, Travel to Mecca (Pilgrimage)


Religion Flashcards!



10. If you see: Mao Zedong then the answer is the Communist choice. Be warned though: Mao also elevated the status of women.

11. Why could the conquistadors take over? They had superior weapons and technology! Duh.

12. People live near water!!!!!.

13. Neolithic Revolution ... one day a few nomads discovered that if they planted seeds, it would become food. BINGO! Now they didn't have to travel from place to place and could have permanent settlements. Traditional Economies of early civilizations involved family agriculture and trade of simple products.

14. If you see: Encomienda, it means forced labor in Native America. No one ever remembers that. If you do, then you probably don't need this review sheet.

15. If you see: Peter the Great ... the answer is that he Westernized / Modernized Russia.




16. Anything about the Enlightenment will usually lead you to the choice that says "natural rights." Un-Locke those rights!

17. If you see: The Byzantine Empire ... know that Greece + Rome = the roots of Western Civilization. The Byzantines preserved that.

18. Ethnic Cleansing, the Holocaust, Khmer Rouge, Tiananmen Square, and Apartheid are unfortunate events of world history. Essays of this nature have come up. But for multiple choice purposes, the answer is usually, "human rights violations." Scroll down on this sheet for a list.

19. EU = EUROPEAN UNION. Europe is mostly united, and it has strengthened their economy.

20. If you see: Mansa Musa ... the answer has something to do with him converting Mali to Islam. Remember: Mansa Musa Mali Muslim

21. Questions 1-3 on the Regents tend to have nothing to do with history ... usually it involves a "physical map," or a map that has mountains and rivers jutting out of it. Or, it is a question about economies/resources or what an anthropologist does. Also know that subsistence farming is when you farm just enough for your family (or your "sub-sister"). Slash-and-burn means to burn the forest and use the ashes for fertilizer.

22. The Great Wall of China was built to keep out invaders from the North.

23. If you see: A farming question about Native Americans, know that it's all about Terrace Farming, or steps for farming up a mountain.

24. If you see: The Sahel ... it's related to desertification, as the Sahara desert is expanding to this area. Just remember it's as "hot as Sa-hel" there.

25. I know this may sound weird, but I have never seen the same choice 4 times in a row. So if you see 4 C's in a row, double check it. Three in a row comes up often, but 4 -- not yet. But, they can change that, be on your toes.

26. Aung San Suu Kyi has been popping up lately.

27. The Guptas of India were advanced and had the concept of zero. Think of them as the G000ptas.


World History Review in 16 Minutes!



 Global Regents Review Flashcards! The express version.



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THEMATIC ESSAY ... Scariest Part



The thematic is scary ... but not scary if you study the right things. KNOW THE FOLLOWING SIX THINGS, AND YOU HAVE A GREAT CHANCE OF KNOCKING THIS OUT OF THE PARK. Historically, these topics account for what has been found most often on thematics.




1. I would know 2  religions (belief systems) VERY WELL ... Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc ... (Religion Flashcards ... Religion Review Song) Religion could also be under a larger theme of cultures and their contributions. So Greece, Rome, or Ancient China could work in that case.

2. I would know a couple of the impacts of Geography on world history ... Ex. Mountains isolate people as seen in Greece, or in the Andes. Or ... Britain is an island -- and couldn't be attacked my Napoleon or Hitler. Also, England's natural harbors allowed the Industrial Revolution to start there.  Scroll down to get the low-down on geography!

3. I would know two Revolutions REALLY WELL. Go French Revolution ... or Russian ... Peace, Land, and Bread! Studying both would cover you for the Political Systems of Absolutism (overthrow of) and Communism! Also, know a non-political one such as the Industrial or Neolithic Revolution! By studying Industrial, you are covered for the Economic Systems of capitalism and socialism. A revolution is GREAT for the Thematic, because it can be used for: Change, Conflict, War, or Turning Points. The Regents has asked that type of question often in recent years.

4. Human Rights Violations -- Study 2 of these very thoroughly: Holocaust, Khmer Rouge, Tiananmen Square, Apartheid.

5. Know a few individuals REALLY well. Pick two who are seen in a favorable light, and two who aren't. Scroll down on this sheet for a list of the major people of the course. When in doubt, Gandhi and Locke are easy to write about.

6. A pretty fun topic to write about is technology. But remember: WRITE ABOUT A TOPIC THAT YOU CAN DISCUSS IN DEPTH. The atomic bomb, Sputnik, or gunpowder are topics that fit this theme. Other choices include the astrolabe, aqueducts, and the printing press.

Low Percentage Thematics include: Economic and Political Systems (mentioned above), Movements of People and Trade Organizations (Silk Roads, Gold-Salt trade, OPEC, NAFTA), Collapse of Governments (Fall of Rome & Soviet Union), Nationalism (WWI and WWII), and Global problems such as pollution and deforestation.

BUT IT REALLY COULD BE ANYTHING! See the entire list of the thematic history by clicking the link above.

 ESSAY TIPS FOR BOTH ESSAYS                            


DBQ ... As for the scaffolding questions ... if you see two lines ... write three! Don't get skimpy on these easy questions! It's all about the Outside Knowledge ... write whatever you know in the margins of those scaffolding questions.



World History Music Video, by the Social Studs

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World Religion Song

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World Geography Music Video!









Global History Regents Review Flashcards!





Absolutism,   William and Mary,   Limited Monarchy,   Louis XIV,   Louis XVI,   Versailles,   Westernization,    Peter the Great,   Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Galileo, Locke,    Montesquieu, Rousseau, Volaire,       Bastille, Third Estate, Napoleon's Three Mistakes,    Congress of Vienna,    Otto von Bismarck,    Nationalism, Imperialism,    Simon Bolivar, Hapsburgs (Maria Theresa),   Sepoy Rebellion, Mestizo culture,    Beethoven, Boxer Rebellion,   Boer War,  Berlin Conference Boxer Rebellion, Charles DarwinWWI MANIA, ArmisticeTreaty of Versailles, Karl Marx,    Toussaint and other Latin American Independence Movements,  Coup d'etat, Peninsulares, Vatican CityDeclaration of the Rights of Man,    Franz Ferdinand, Meiji Restoration, Jewel in the Crown,   Thirty Years WarSpheres of Influence,    Hong Kong (Treaty of Nanjing), Gandhi, Mao, People's Republic of China, Sigmund Freud, Lenin, Bolshevik Revolution, Totalitarianism and 5 Year Plan, Great Purge, Fascism, Hitler and Mein Kampf, Munich Conference, Appeasement, Churchill, Pearl Harbor, D-Day, Holocaust, Anne Frank, Atomic Bomb, Yalta, Cold War, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Containment, Khmer Rouge, Partition, Glasnost and Perestroika,  Ethnic Cleansing, Green Revolution, EU, Global Interdependence, Zionism, Apartheid, Darfur, Rwanda, Jomo Kenyatta, European Union, Czecha ... Slovakia!!!, OPEC, Cheese


  Global Regents Review Flashcards! The express version.





Key Terms, Click Links Below: 1. Neolithic Revolution, 2. Nomads and Hunters & Gatherers, 3. Ziggurat, 4. Cultural Diffusion, 5. Cuneiform, 6. Theocracy, 7. Hieroglyphics, 8. Mandate of Heaven/Dynastic Cycle, 9. Tokugawa Shogunate, 10. Haiku and Kabuki, 11. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, 12. Caliph, 13. Twelve Tables of Law, 14. Pax Romana, 15. Feudalism, 16. Chivalry, 17. Three Field System, 18. Spanish Inquisition, 19. Great Schism, 20. Bubonic Plague, 21. Humanism, 22. Printing Press, 23. 95 Theses, 24. Predestination, 25. Bantu-speaking People, 26. Ibn Battuta, 27. Terrace Farming, 28. Conquistadors, 29. Encomienda, 30. Middle Passage, 31. Mercantilism and Commercial Revolution, 32. Absolutism, 33. Spanish Armada, 34. Limited Monarchy, 35. Scientific Method, 36. Heliocentric Model, 37. Enlightenment, 38. Baroque, 39. Enlightened Despots,



40. Bourgeoisie, 41. Tennis Court Oath, 42. Declaration of the Rights of Man, 43. Political Spectrum, 44. Reign of Terror, 45. Coup d’état, 46. Napoleonic Code, 47. Congress of Vienna, 48. Urbanization, 49. Agricultural Revolution, 50. Capitalism and Socialism 51. Nationalism, 52. Potato Famine, 53. Berlin Conference, 54. Spheres of Influence, 55. Open Door Policy, 56. Meiji Era , 57. Lusitania and Zimmerman Telegram, 58. League of Nations, 59. Treaty of Versailles, 60. Pogroms, 61. Russia’s Bloody Sunday, 62. NEP, 63. USSR, 64. Totalitarianism, 65. Command Economy/Five-Year Plan, 66. Fascism, 67. Weimar Republic, 68. Mein Kampf, 69. Appeasement, 70. Axis Powers, 71. Blitzkrieg, 72. Yalta Conference, 73. Atomic Bomb, 74. United Nations, 75. Ghettos, 76. Final Solution (Genocide), 77. Nuremberg Trials, Tokyo Trials, and Universal Declaration of Rights, 78. Containment, 79. Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, 80. Berlin Airlift, 81. NATO and Warsaw Pact, 82. Sputnik, 83. Berlin Wall, 84. Bay of Pigs Invasion, 85. Cuban Missile Crisis, 86. Détente, 87. Glasnost and Perestroika, 88. Domino Theory, 89. Dien Bien Phu, 90. Vietcong, 91. Khmer Rouge, 92. Long March, 93. Great Leap Forward, 94. Cultural Revolution, 95. Four Modernizations, 96. Tiananmen Square Massacre, 97. Three Gorges Dam and One-Child Policy, 98. Amritsar Massacre, 99. Salt March, 100. Zionism and Balfour Declaration, 101. Camp David Accords, 102. OPEC, 103. Taliban, 104. Apartheid, 105. Developing Nations, 106. Green Revolution, 107. European Union, 108. Arab Spring, 109. Global Interdependence, 110. Kyoto Protocol, 111. Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo                              


Key Questions, Click Links Below:

1. What do I need to know about the history at the beginning of my textbook?

2. How did the Han Dynasty govern such a large area?

3. What were the contributions of the early Muslim world?

4. What were the differences between Athens and Sparta?

5. What were the contributions of the ancient Greeks?

6. How did the Roman Republic function?

7. What were the contributions of Rome?

8. What led to the Fall of Rome?

9. What happened in the schism of 1054?

10. What were the important aspects of the Church during the Middle Ages?

11. What were the causes, events, and results of the Crusades?

12. What should I know about Renaissance art and literature?


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13. What were the causes and results of the Protestant Reformation? How was England affected?

14. What motivated Europeans in the Age of Exploration?

15. What was the social hierarchy of the New World under Spanish rule?

16. How did the Enlightenment affect the arts?

17. What were the three Estates of France’s Old Regime?

18. What were Napoleon’s three mistakes that led to his downfall?

19. Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? ... What were the textile inventions of the Industrial Revolution?

20. How has nationalism been a unifying force?

21. Why did countries want to imperialize?

22. What were the causes, results, and technological innovations of World War I?

23. What were the foreign policy results of World War II?

24. What were the major examples of containment during the Cold War?

25. How did Communism ultimately fall in the Soviet Union? How about in other European nations?

26. What happened to India during the Partition?

27. What wars were fought between Israel and members of the Middle East from 1956-1973?

28. What led to the end of apartheid?

29. What are some of the environmental problems plaguing the Earth today?

30. What has Brazil developed into an industrial power?

31. What should I know about globalization and the modern world economy?


Key People, Click Links Below:


1. King Hammurabi, 2. Hatshepsut, 3. Shi Huangdi, 4. Genghis and Kublai Khan, 5. Zheng He, 6. Akbar the Great, 7. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, 8. Julius Caesar, 9. Justinian, 10. Mansa Musa, 11. Thomas Aquinas, 12. Leonardo da Vinci, 13. Niccolň Machiavelli, 14. Queen Elizabeth I, 15. Louis XIV, 16. Maria Theresa, 17. Ivan the Terrible, 18. Peter the Great, 19. Martin Luther, 20. Galileo,

21. Enlightenment Thinkers (Hobbes, Rousseau, Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu), 22. Simón Bolívar, 23. Toussaint L’Ouverture, 24. Jose San Martin, 25. Napoleon Bonaparte, 26. Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, 27. Karl Marx, 28. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, 29. Queen Victoria, William Wilberforce, 30. Charles Darwin, 31. Nicholas II, 32. Grigori Rasputin, 33. Vladimir Lenin, 34. Joseph Stalin, 35. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 36. Benito Mussolini, 37. Adolf Hitler, 38. Friedrich Nietzsche, 39. Joseph Goebbels, 40. Francisco Franco, 41. Elie Wiesel, 42. Anne Frank, 43 Mohandas Gandhi, 44. Sun Yixian, 45. Mao Zedong, 46. Lech Walesa, 47. Ho Chi Minh, 48. Pol Pot, 49. Golda Meir, 50. Benazir Bhutto, 51. Nelson Mandela, 52. Jomo Kenyatta, 53. Aung San Suu Kyi, 54. Augusto Pinochet, 55. Mother Theresa                   


Religions, Click Links Below: 

1. Animism, 2. Zoroastrianism, 3. Shintoism, 4. Hinduism and more Hinduism, 5. Buddhism and more Buddhism, 6. Jainism, 7. Confucianism, 8. Daoism, 9. Five Pillars of Islam and more Islam, 10. Judaism, 11. Christianity 

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Empires, Click Links Below: 

1. Han Dynasty, 2. Tang and Song Dynasties, Ming Dynasty, 3. Mongol Empire, 4. Khmer Empire, 5. Mauryan and Gupta Empires, 6. Mughal Empire, 7. Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates , 8. Ottoman Empire, 9. Safavid Empire, 10. Empire of Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture, 11. Roman Empire before Caesar, 12. Byzantine Empire, 13. Carolingian Empire and Charlemagne, 14. Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Empires of Africa, 15. Mayan Empire, 16. Aztec Empire, 17. Incan Empire, 18. Napoleon’s Empire


Wars, Click Links Below:  

1. Peloponnesian War, 2. Punic Wars, 3. The Crusades, 4. Hundred Years’ War, 5. Thirty Years’ War, 6. English Civil War, 7. Glorious Revolution, 8. French Revolution Causes; Bastille; Reign of Terror, 9. Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia, 10. Unification of Italy, 11. Unification of Germany, 12. Boer War, 13. Crimean War, 14. Opium War, 15. Sepoy Rebellion, 16. Boxer Rebellion, 17. Russo-Japanese War, 18. Mexican Revolution, 19. World War I events, 20. Bolshevik Revolution, 21. Armenian Massacres, 22. Russian Civil War, 23. World War II, 24. Cold War, 25. Chinese Civil War, 26. Korean War, 27. Vietnam War, 28. Soviet-Afghanistan War, 29. Iranian Revolution, 30. Rwandan Genocide, 31. War in Darfur    



Human Rights Violations Post 1900, Click Below: 

1. Pogroms, 2. Russia’s Bloody Sunday, 3. Armenian Massacres, 4. Amritsar Massacre, 5. Nanjing Massacre, 6. Ukrainian Famine (Holodomor), 7. Great Purge, 8. Final Solution (Holocaust), 9. Cultural Revolution, 10. Apartheid, 11. Khmer Rouge 12. Tiananmen Square Massacre, 13. Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia,  14. Rwandan Genocide, 15. War in Darfur 


Geography, Click Links Below: 

1. What is a physical map?

2. Why did civilizations develop near water?

3. Why was Mesopotamia called the Fertile Crescent?

4. How did Greece’s geography affect its development?

5. What rivers of China should I know?

6. What impact did being an island have on Japan?

7. What are the important aspects of Indian geography?

8. How diverse is Africa’s climate?

9. Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?

10. Why couldn’t Napoleon defeat Britain?

11. What does the Suez Canal connect?

12. What are some of the environmental problems plaguing the Earth today?


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Geography Review


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Women's Rights, Click Links Below: 

Increased: 1. Hatshepsut, 2. Wu Zhao, 3. Justinian’s Code, 4. Peter the Great, 5. Mary Wollstonecraft, 6. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 7. Soviet Russia, 8. Mao in China, 9. Benazir Bhutto 10. Aung San Suu Kyi

Decreased: 1. Hammurabi’s Code, 2. Ancient China, 3. Napoleonic Code, 4. Athenian Democracy, 5. Fate of Olympe de Gouges   6. Taliban


Cultural Diffusion Examples, Click Links Below: 

1. Cultural Diffusion, 2. Phoenician Alphabet, 3. Silk Roads and Indian Ocean trade, 4. Muslim and Greco-Roman, 5. Hellenistic Culture, 6. Greco-Roman/Western Civilization, 7. Cyrillic Alphabet, 8. Results of the Crusades, 9. Columbian Exchange, 10. Mestizo Culture, 11. Hanseatic League, 12. Mansa Musa, 13. Westernization of Russia, 14. Meiji Era, 15. Enlightenment in Latin America, 16. Industrial Revolution, 17. Global Interdependence    


Cultural Diffusion Review


World History Timeline




French Revolution




French Revolution Flashcards!



Causes =

M - Monarchy's abuses, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette (Let Them Eat Cake)

E - Enlightenment

A - American Revolution

T - Taxes on the 3rd Estate (98% of the people)

Slogan = LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY -- as found in the Declaration of the Rights of Man.

Chronology - 1789 - Storming of Bastille --> National Assembly Takes Over --> c1794, King and Queen Executed --> Jacobins Rule --> Reign of Terror --> 1796 Directory appoints  Napoleon as Commander in Chief --> 1799 - Coup d etat of Napoleon

Philosophy of Enlightenment Thinkers:

John Locke wrote Two Treatises on Government - life, liberty, property.

Voltaire = known for free speech rights.

John Jacques Rousseau - do not obey an unjust law, "man is born free and everywhere he is in chains" Chains are unjust laws.

Baron de Montesquieu = Spirit of the Laws = Separation of Powers with three equal branches of government.


Enlightenment and French Revolution Videos




Russian Revolution Flashcards!



Causes =

Weakness of the Czar = continued WWI, Bloody Sunday, poorly equipped military, lack of bread.

Increased popularity of socialism after rapid industrialization led to exploited workers and bad conditions.

Slogan = Peace, Land, Bread.

Chronology - 1917 = Czar --> Provisional Government (takes power in March) --> Bolshevik Revolution (Lenin takes over in November.

Philosophy of the Russian Revolution

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - The Communist Manifesto -- labor raises up to rule in a classless society where the means of production are shared.



Herchel Tried  Varsity Swimming And Jumped in My Pool

Haiti Touissaint;  Venezuela Simon Bolivar, Argentina Jose San Martin, Mexico Padre San Morelos


GO PEE = Glasnost is the Opening up of the USSR. Perestroika is for Economic Enterprises (restructuring with some capitalism).

QSJM - Quiet Sam Just Moved= Qin, Sun Yixian, Jiang Jieshi, Mao

Chunky Peanut Butter = Czar --> Provisional Government --> Bolsheviks

CAPHY FELL ... Treaty of Versailles countries ... Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia (out of Central Powers) ... Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (out of Russia)

MEAT or TEAM, if you are vegetarian -- see above regarding French Rev.

RICK BENN DRAFT = See above for religion review.

I DIG = India = Deccan Plateau, Indus River, Ganges River


Global History Regents Review Flashcards!


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Global 1 Review Prep    



Absolutism Review Sheet



French Revolution Review Sheet

Napoleon and Industrial Revolution Test




Nationalism, Unifications, and Latin American Revolutions




Imperialism Review Sheet





Russian Revolution Review Sheet





Gandhi, China, Age of Uncertainty Review Sheet





WWII Review Sheet







Cold War Review Sheet





Global 2 Wrap Up Review Sheet




Global 1 Review Prep